Thursday, 22 July 2010

ContactPoint is dead ... on 6th August. Let's celebrate!!!

It's good news that the Government has decided to switch-off ContactPoint on 6th August. Good-bye and good riddance.

Over the years lots of people have worked tirelessly to campaign against this silly (and nasty) system. Terri Dowty and ARCH have been unfailing in opposing it, as has Eileen Munro. I will always remember Professor Brian Sheldon saying that "... this misguided proposal will introduce the surveillance techniques of the Stasi into our national life". He was right.

Sadly the big children's charities went along with it. Hopefully they can quickly adjust to a new world where we don't need surveillance of the whole population in order to ensure children are safe, and where we can recognise and celebrate children and young people's right to privacy.