Friday 16 November 2012

Silly Me !!!

In my response to the Government's consultation on the safeguarding guidance I wrote the following concerning the volume entitled : "Managing Individual Cases: the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families":
Generally I am perplexed about why anyone thought it a good idea to try to subsume guidance concerning the Framework of Assessment of Children in Need into guidance on child protection. I see nothing in the Munro report to suggest that such a mishmash of guidance would result in better services. 

It was only the other day that I remembered who first made this proposal. It was none other than Lord Laming in the Victoria Climbie Enquiry. Recommendation 13 of the Laming Report states: 
The Department of Health should amalgamate the current Working Together and the National Assessment Framework documents into one simplified document.( page 373)
Not remembering that it was Laming who made this suggestion left me feeling just a little bit foolish ... but not as silly as the suggestion itself!!